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For over 30 years we have helped thousands of art-lovers with the right artwork for them. We have created a curated selection of images sent to us by our happy customers, to inspire and give you an insight into how those around the world have enriched their homes with our art.
Cityscape art is renowned for its dynamic aesthetic, where the global metropolis is frequently reborn with new facades and architectural structures – artists within the genre enjoy an evolving skyline and everlasting source of inspiration. From depicting the cities as they once were as well as reinventing their future, the talented painters within this genre reflect the distinctive personality of the urban landscape. Crafting the elegance of Parisian spires to bright lights of New York, Wyecliffe represents an portfolio of talent whose ambition is to interpret international destinations to craft engaging and illuminating art for your interior.
Cityscape art has always been in high-demand at Wyecliffe Galleries, communicating the beauty of the capital cities of the world has always been a priority for some of our talented artists.
