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Nigel Humphries

Nigel Humphries is a talented artist who specializes in creating quirky editions inspired by popular cultural icons, including characters from Marvel and the DC Universe.

Through his artwork, he successfully taps into the nostalgia of childhood by recreating the joy of creating adventures with figurines and imagination. His adorable miniature paintings beautifully capture some of the most iconic characters from Marvel and DC Comics, as well as real-life music stars and the beloved cast of the Star Wars saga. Nigel's work is a delightful blend of fantasy and creativity that allows viewers to revisit the awe and wonder of their younger years.

"I feel this first printed collection is an introduction to the characters. My aim is to create a body of work that makes people smile. We are all children at heart, and it’s nice to be reminded of that at times. I feel my work helps to do this".


Artwork Type


Size (Diagonal Outer)


