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Christmas with Kerry Darlington

Our second studio visit is with the renowned artist Kerry Darlington at her home in North Wales. Kerry Darlington has always been heavily inspired by this season which can be seen in works such as 'The Snow Queen' and 'East of the Sun West of the Moon'. We also take a look through her photo albums to uncover Christmas in the Darlington home....

Kerry Darlington with her sister - Christmas 1978

Christmas in the Darlington Household 2016

Kerry Darlington enjoying Christmas presents 1982 


What inspires you most at this time of year? 

"I notice that my work tends to reflect the seasons so Winter always brings more greys and tonal coloured work which reflects my landscape ; and a contrast of the reds and yellows of fallen leaves and a crackling fire. They often have a more dreamy, pensive quality to them too."

What are your favourite Christmas traditions?

"My favourite thing about Christmas is spending time with my family. We decorate the house together with Christmas tunes on and mulled wine. My trees are always beautifully decorated! On Christmas Eve the children always open a present of new pyjamas and we sit around our log fire with our animals watching ‘The Snowman’. I have a big family with lots of nephews and nieces and they come to us for Christmas dinner so it is always a noisy fun filled day of board games and food. I love the peace of Boxing Day too and just pottering around the house for a few days. " 

What is your favourite Christmas memory? 

"I have many fond memories of childhood Christmases, my little sisters and I getting wrapped up warm over our pyjamas on Christmas Eve and being driven around our town by Mum and Dad to see all the houses lit up with lights and lanterns ; whilst watching out for any Christmas fairies and listening for reindeer bells. So magical." 

What have been your Highlights of 2017 ?

"Highlights would be discovering new techniques recently that I intend to evolve over the next year. And my eldest son getting the grades he needed for University, I was so happy for him!"

"Do you have any New Year resolutions?"

"I have never made New Year Resolutions. I usually celebrate New Years Day with the family and just use the holiday to think about my next projects."

You may also be interested in reading the making of 'The Snow Queen' video, and our other Kerry Darlington articles:
